12 domains of culture//religion and spirituality American culture

Assignment Requirements


Write a 2 page paper with at least 2 citations on religion and spirituality. It has to be about a specific religion in American culture. it has to cover two main points.. the one’s I have chosen are worship and deities or discipline of a specific religion in American culture. deities or discipline is the one you can choose one of, worship is a must. I need an introduction with a topic sentence, then a benefit for the audience to listen, what it benefits them. 2 main points, main point 1 worship, main point 2 deities or discipline… discipline if possible and if it goes with other in American culture. specific religion in specific region either in the southern American states or northern. again about American culture worship and such. have a transition between main points, transition from main point 1 to 2. and a conclusion that gives each main point with a sub point of each. if any further instructions needed please don’t hesitate to ask.


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