12 Years a Slave

Explain how the institution of slavery portrayed in the film ?12 Years a Slave? structurally affected the following other social institutions: the family, the economy, religion, education, and the legal/criminal justice system. While explaining this, you may want to keep in mind as a frame of reference the question ?How does slavery affect the lives of slaves as compared to slave-owners in the society of the time?? You must illustrate each answer with at least one specific example from the film.

Assignments should be at least two pages, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides.

Reasons for gaining points Points

Assignment explains how the institution of slavery affects the structure of each
of the five other institutions (the family, the economy, religion, education,
and the legal/justice system).

Assignment gives multiple specific examples of the institution of slavery affecting
each of the five other institutions (the family, the economy, religion, education,
and the legal/criminal justice system).