Unit 4 Project
Due to the security needs related to the exchange of medical record information, ECPI EMR requires the implementation of a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the new network. They would like to secure the transmission within the network as well as manage and verify the identity of users who access components in the network. Remember, the EMR application utilizes a browser-based (not web-based) interface instead of a locally installed client, thus an internal CA is suitable since transmissions are within the network. .
Part 1
50 points
In a one-page Word document, describe the components of your CA solution for ECPI EMR. Include any hardware, software, and components to be installed or configured for the network.
Save your file as Lastname_CIS256_U4_Project-1.doc
Part 2
50 points
ECPI EMR department PCs will use Microsoft Office 2010, which is an AD RMS-enabled application. They like the features of being able to restrict how a document or message is handled given the highly sensitive nature of medical-related data.
In a one-page Word document, describe how ECPI EMR can implement features to define how documents can be used within their network. Include any additional network components they will need to purchase or install on their current network, as well as any needed DNS changes.
Save your file as Lastname_CIS256_U4_Project-2.doc
Submit the two files below.