Energy Star vs Non Energy Star-Research paper

Visit any retail appliance outlet (examples: Lowes, Home Depot, Sears) store and find at least 10 products that display the Energy Star symbol -also find 10 similar products that do not have the rating. Document the products that display the symbol and those that do not. Using a program like Microsoft Excel, graph the energy usage of these Energy Star and non-energy star products.

Energy Usage for the Graph!!! Electrical energy consumed is determined by the watt rating of the product and the time of use (you need to generate estimate for annual use). Watts X hours of use =watt-hours. There is usually a label that lists the wattage of a product.  Calculate the energy use (watt-hours) for the products that you found.  Place this information in the graph for all of the products you found-for example you might place the energy star stove, beside the non-energy star stove in the graph so the comparison can be easily seen.

Explain the significance of the Energy Star rating. Write at least 2 paragraphs describing your experience at the store and explain the Energy Star rating system-include the graph in this document.

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