Q3 and Q4

Assignment Requirements


Answer the questions

Q 3 Nutrient Report Write it in TWO paragraphs



Did you go over or under these two nutrient recommendations? What foods contributed to you going over, or what foods could you eat more of to meet the recommendations? What would be the long-term consequence if you repeatedly went over or under these nutrient recommendations?



Q 4 Meal Summary Report   Write it in ONE paragraph



Please summarize the role of empty calories on your one-day dietary intake. You may choose to explain how many empty calories you consumed (if any), what percent of your total calories these empty calories represented, what foods were the likely contributors to your empty calories, and/or what would be the long term consequences of continuing such a pattern? If you did not eat any empty calories, explain how this pattern will prove beneficial for your future health outcomes and provide some insight as to why your one-day diet did not.


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