How has Computer Technology impacted higher education in Universities?
This is going to be a research paper on how Computer Technology has impacted higher education. I will attach below a list of sources that the writer can use in order to effectively answer this question. However, I do want online learning to be brought up, digital story telling, through use of power-points and other online software, the convenience of online classes for people who might not be able to make it to universities and whatnot, and also how much faster research and can be found for projects and assignments. Also talk about how encourages more inter-activeness with teachers and students, which is an effective teaching method in order to engage students in educational activity/material. In addition to that, I need the writer to bring up the problems of what this technology is doing to education, such as increasing plagiarism,and also talk about the challenge in implementing these positives effectively by making sure both students and teachers have the computer literacy needed in order to effectively get information across to students. If you have any questions, please ask me, because this is a very important paper and I need it done spot on and well.
In addition to the sources I provide here, please feel free to find your own, additional sources to use in conjunction with writing this pape
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