A national or regional health issue
Among concerns in this category are obesity (among school age children), HIV/AIDS (and its relationship to risky sexual behavior within the heterosexual community); the role of poverty in health challenges. There may be others which interest you, and if so, do reflect on them.
The first thing you will have to do is to decide on an issue, an issue/a controversy that interests you and that falls into one of the three topic categories above.
Decide why it interests you.
Your research will involve narrowing your topic and locating relevant support materials that will articulate a significant position on the discussion. You can not cover everything given the space limits and the time you have to complete the assignment.
So, decide:
— What is the topic, the overall controversy?
— What do you already know about the debate? Does it pertain to your particular field of study or to some other aspect of our life?
— List some key points about the issue that you know.
— What is your current viewpoint about the issue?
— What materials does the MC Library have on the topic – computerized databases, newspapers, books, articles, professional journals? Remember to note down the references you refer to, even if you will not eventually use them all. This will help you prepare your bibliography later.
Your research will help you support your point or change our mind, and it will demonstrate that you have acquired a significant understanding of the topic.
This is an academic paper; your audience is your peers in the classroom.
The research paper must be 8 to 10 pages (a minimum of 2,000 to 2,500 words), well-documented using MLA citation format.
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