Assignment Requirements
Using as much of the following terminology as you possibly can, please describe the following work of art. Please remember to explain your terminology and your ideas fully.
Representational, Abstract, Non-objective, Form, Content, Balance, Asymmetrical Balance, Emphasis, Subordination, Repetition, Rhythm, Scale, Proportion, Focal Point, Implied Depth, Linear Perspective, Atmospheric Perspective, Foreshortening, Overlap, Scale, Shadowing, Chiaroscuro, Context, Iconography
This work of art is a page from a medieval illuminated manuscript. Knowing that it is an illuminated manuscript should help you out with form. I am also giving you this work of art in context – you can see the text surrounding the work of art on the page. You are *only* writing about the actual work of art (the square image with several humans and a cat).
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