Assignment Requirements
You will find the description with the five questions in the document that will be uploaded.
The following articles are suggested to read before answering the questions:
(Main source)
Sorrells, A. M., Rieth, H.J., Sindelar, P. T. (2004). Critical issues in special education: Access, diversity, and accountability. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
(suggested articles)
Elder, L. (1999). Critical thinking: Teaching the foundations of ethical reasoning. Journal of Developmental Education, 22(3), 30-35.
Howe, K.R. & Miramontes, O.B. (1991). A framework for ethical deliberation in special education. The Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 7-25.
Gartin, B. Murdick, N. (2000). Teaching ethics in special education programs. Catalvst for Change, 30(1),17-19.
Paul, J., French,P. & Cranston-Gingras, A. (2001). Ethics and special education. Focus on Exceptional Children, 34(1), 1-15.
Ruehl, M. (1998). Educating the child with severe behavioral problems: Entitlement, empiricism, and ethics. Behavioral Disorders, 23(3), 184-192.
Rumrill, P. (2001). Ethical issues and guidelines for special education research. In P. Rumrill (Ed.), Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications (pp. 69-104). Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
The questions:
(I) Standard 2.1: Teachers know the content they teach and use their knowledge of content-area concepts, assumptions and skills to plan instruction.
Select ONE Scenario (either A or B) from below:
- You have a middle level student with a severe learning disability in reading transferring into your program. Describe what this means in terms of possible issues that you may need to address as a classroom teacher. Specifically:
- What does this mean for the possible future and transition planning for the child? What might you assume is the child’s ability level across all areas in addition to reading? What other metacognitive problems (attention, memory, study skills) might this child have that could impact academic performance? What would you need to know about the reading disability to write the IEP and make accommodations for lessons? How might a reading disability impact performance in other content areas? Considering the continuum of services, what would most likely be the best method of delivering services? How would you potentially accommodate performance on testing? How is this student potentially similar and dissimilar to students w/out disabilities?
- You have a middle school student with moderate to intensive disabilities. Describe what this means in terms of possible issues that you may need to address as a classroom teacher. Specifically:
- Cognitively the child is in the moderate range; however, there are gross motor issues due to cerebral palsy and the child is nonambulatory. Based upon your knowledge of students with moderate to intensive needs, what does this mean in terms of transition planning? How would you modify this student’s curriculum, lessons and assessments so that they are developmentally, functionally and age appropriate. Considering the continuum of services, how would you include this student with their regular education peers? What potential misconceptions may educators and/or administrators have regarding students with moderate to intensive needs?
(II) Standard 2.2 Teachers understand and use content-specific instructional strategies.
- Using either scenario A OR B from above, describe instructional strategies that would be potentially beneficial for instruction for the student in the scenario that you selected. Describe a brief lesson plan that would demonstrate application of these strategies.
(III) Standard 2.3 Teachers understand school and district curriculum priorities and the Ohio academic content standards.
- A number of different legislative initiatives have been put forward in the past ten years regarding children with disabilities and curriculum/assessment. These include the requirement that children with disabilities participate in district testing and connecting teacher evaluations with student performance on these assessments. Describe how this has impacted children with disabilities and special education. What types of accommodations may be put into lessons or assessment? How are these accommodations determined? How might this result in ethical dilemmas for teachers?
(IV) 2.4 Teachers understand the relationship of knowledge within the discipline to other content areas.
- What specific body of disciplinary expertise do special education teachers bring to the educational setting and collaborative team processes that differs from regular education? How does the special education teacher utilize baseline data and other assessment and data collection for decision making? How do you apply that in a collaborative relationship with regular education teachers to enhance and facilitate the learning of students with disabilities across other content areas?
(V) 2.5 Teachers connect content to relevant life experiences and career opportunities
- In either Scenario A or B above, describe how you would provide special education intervention to maximize the student’s potential as an adult. What specific challenges does someone with a disability face as an adult? Provide a brief overview of what you learned from the field trip to Summit Juvenile Court and how this can guide your instruction.
For all five parts I will be looking for:
The student has a good understanding of special education as a discipline. Each response is in depth and comprehensive. If possible, the student should strive to be elaborative and go beyond simply a rote response to the question. You many include your own observations and experiences (NO REAL NAMES OF STUDENTS) and knowledge of research. You must include at least one quote in each question.
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