The 21st century hazards of smoking and benefits of stopping: a prospective study of one million women in the UK-Research paper

Pirie K, Peto R, Reeves GK, Green J, Beral V; for the Million Women StudyCollaborators. The 21st century hazards of smoking and benefits of stopping: aprospective study of one million women in the UK. Lancet. 2012 Oct 26.

1.    What type of study design was used? (1 point)

2.    What feature means that the women in this study may not be representative of all women in England? (1 point)

3.    How was information on smoking obtained? (3 points)

4.    Comparing current smokers to never smokers, what was the relative risk of death from:
a.    Stomach cancer (1 point)
b.    Bladder cancer (1 point)
c.    Ovarian cancer (1 point)

5.    What other factors may explain some of the differences in mortality between smokers and non-smokers? (3 points)

6.    How did the risk of all cause mortality differ between those who stopped smoking aged 25-34 and (a) never smokers and (b) current smokers (3 points)

7.    Surely the risk of all cause mortality is one- no-one is immortal – explain (3 points)

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