Response paper-Essay

From the syllabus: The only assessment of your individual progress will derive from a series of response papers. Don’t worry, these are designed to inform me of your thoughts about the ideas we are covering in class, but they are also designed to help you flesh out and process your own thoughts about what you are learning. The concept paper should not to be a great opus, just your thoughts on the democratic models we are discussing and your observations on how these concepts relate to everyday life.

Choose a specific concept that we have been discussing in class and think of examples from outside of class that you can apply the concept to. For example, if we have been discussing the concept of pluralism in class, how can you see examples of pluralistic democratic practice in Philadelphia, on campus, in your day-to-day dealings with others, in our culture, in the news, etc.? Response papers should be 700 WORDS (more is ok but write less and your grade will suffer) and should be proofread for spelling and grammar before they are turned in.

These are the readings that we did in class. We are covering concept from each text.

Hardt & Negri pages 3-21 Commonwealth

choose one concept of one of these text to answer to direction above.

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