lesson 2.3 -Coursework

Order Description

Within each lesson, one concept map is due. There are two parts. Make sure you create the concept map as well as answer the critical thinking questions.
1. You are to create a concept map based on the given case study. You can either use the electronic version available on Dabbleboard, another computerized concept map program, or you can draw your own. You may not copy one that is already done. Your submission must be your own original work.
2. Concept map requirements for inclusion:
a. Demonstrate the pathophysiological concepts that pertain to this case study.
b. Indicate relationships between concepts—group clusters or patterns of signs and symptoms.
3. Complete the critical thinking questions.
a. Demonstrate your understanding of the case by answering the critical thinking questions.
b. References should be in APA format.
A previously healthy 3-year-old boy presents to your office with fever and refusal to walk for 2 days. Exam of the lower extremities reveals no redness, warmth or swelling. Passive ROM of the rt hip is significantly decreased and painful. Parents deny any history of trauma.
Exam: VS T 39.5, P 120, R 18, BP 100/50, oxygen saturation 100% in RA. Wt 10th percentile, Ht 50th percentile.
Laboratory studies show WBC 20,000, 80% segs, 10% bands, 8% lymphs, 2% monos, Hct/Hgb 14/43, Platelet count 265,000. ESR 45. CRP 12. Serum glucose 95. UA SG 1.020, negative for blood. EKG normal sinus rhythm. Hip radiographs show widening of the acetabular space on the right.
UTD immunizations.
No recent Abx use.
No rashes, skin lesions.
No n/v/d. Decreased appetite today.
URI symptoms 2 weeks ago. Resolved.
Previously healthy without injury, travel, bites.
No congenital or birth problems.
Critical Thinking Questions:
1. What other differentials might be concerning in this patient? What is the pathophysiologic basis of your answer?
2. How does the age of this patient help you narrow the final diagnosis?

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