Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning-Essay

Dear writer

here is another work. there are two instruction for you. the following one is from from professor

This assignment provides an opportunity for personal reflection and consideration of the importance of a student’s social identities related to the student’s personal development and experience of college.

After reading the book, Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning,
write a narrative about your own life explaining where you are from, who you are, why you are the way you are, etc. No style requirements (except 14 pt. Arial). Just let your creativity and imagination flow: your narrative may take the form of a poem, a prose essay, an autobiographical history, a cultural identity description, etc. (Please consult with the instructors if you need help deciding on a narrative format.)

Evaluative criteria.
The assignment will be evaluated on demonstrated personal reflection, creativity, and evidence of consideration of content in Where I Am From
in demonstrated style

here is the second instruction from myself
1>i will upload the previous paper and you could have some knowledge about me.
2> i am in Saint Louis University right now and taking higher education master program. this is my second semester.
3> keep the words really simple. i am a international students. my professor know i couldn’t write fancy words. also keep the sentences simple.
4> here is the required book. try to find it from internet. Borrego, S.E. & Manning, K. (2007). Where I am from: Student affairs practice
from the whole of students’ lives. Washington, D.C.: NASPA.

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