Why do foreign people travel in Beijing and influences to tourism development-Essay

Order Description
Dissertation Structure
-Title Page
-Abstract(250 words)
Briefly state the context of your project; what you tried to achieve and why; and
summarise the main findings and outline their significance.
-Table of Contents
All headings should correspond exactly in wording, arrangement, punctuation and
capitalisation with headings as they appear in the body of the text.
-Introduction(1000 words)
-Literature Review(3500 words)
-Methodology(1500 words)
-Results and discussion(4000(2000/2000words)
-References( 73 sources)
Whole assignment must have 11825 words
? Left: Approx 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)
? Right: Approx 1 inch (2.5 cm)
? Bottom and Top: Approx 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)
? Page numbering
? Before Table of Contents (Title Page, Acknowledgements, Abstract etc.) in roman numerals (i, ii, iii, …)
?After Table of Contents arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…).
? Font and font size
? Easy readable fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman
? Font size 11 or 12pt

Title: Why do foreign people travel in Beijing and influences to tourism development.
Additional notes for the title: specify / summarise (after research)the topic

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