Corporate Strategy

Assignment Requirements


Writer must have PhD in Corporate Strategy.

Answer all questions from the attached four forum discussion questions. No introduction, no summary, just answer the questions. Use attached sample answers for guidance. Use 1-2 reference to answer each question. Total word limit for all questions is 1300;10 % variation allowed.

Forum session 3

In diversified, multi-business companies where the strategies of several different businesses have to be managed, the strategy-making task involves four distinct types or levels of strategy, each of which involves different facets of the company’s overall strategy: Discuss the different strategies.


Forum session 4

Based on the strategic group map in Illustration Capsule 3.1, who are Yuengling & Sons’s closest competitors? Between which two strategic groups is competition the strongest? Which company / strategic group faces the weakest competition from the members of other strategic groups?

Forum Session 6

Best Buy is the largest consumer electronics retailer in the United States with 2011 sales of more than $50 billion. The company competes aggressively on price with rivals such as Costco Wholesale, Sam’s Club, Walmart, and Target, but is also known by consumers for its first-rate customer service. Best Buy customers have commented that the retailer’s sales staff is exceptionally knowledgeable about products and can direct the customer to the exact location of difficult to find items. Best Buy customers also appreciate that demonstration models of PC monitors, digital media players, and other electronics are fully powered and ready for in-store use. Best Buy’s Geek Squad tech support and installation services are additional customer service features valued by many customers.

1.How would you characterize Best Buy’s competitive strategy?

2. Should it be classified as a low-cost provider strategy; a differentiation strategy; a best-cost strategy?


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