
1) in writing describe a significant incident out of your own experience involving a cross cultural clash between 2 or more individuals from different cultures, which has left to person A with the question “what happened”. write in the third person, BE CREATIVE. (not more than 500 words)

The incident should have the following criteria:
– at least one of the individual held an erroneous assumption about the culture of other individuals (both individuals can have erroneous assumption), and proceeded to say or do something that was culturally incorrect
– the mistaken behaviour of the first person (person A) was followed by a response from the person of the second culture (person B, can be more than one individual) which was not understood by person A and which he or she found disconcerting or upsetting, wondering what has happened.

2) provide 4 logical explanations for the incident with one being the best explanation for the cross cultural clash. compose each of the possible explanation carefully, and attempt to render each one superficially plausible. each of the 4 possible explanation should not exceed 75 words – thus part 2 should not exceed 300 words in total

3)based on academic research and facts provide a comprehensive cross-cultural analysis of the incident which explains the behaviours you described from both person’s perspectives, by using appropriate theories and frameworks relevant to the course i.e. this explains why the cross-cultural clash occurred. (no more than 1000 words) (course textbook – Luthan Doh; International Management Culture, strategy and behaviour)

4)write 4 short para about each of the 4 possible explanations based on academic research and facts showing why one answer is correct or best answer and why other three answers are not correct.

note that the short para that provides the best rationale for the best/ correct answer can be similar to part 3 above, i.e. one that explains why cross cultural clash occurred.