Career Research and Reflection Exercise

It is never too early to begin planning for career opportunities. This discussion will help you explore your career interests and provide insight on the next steps to help acquire skills and knowledge to be competitive in the job market. This is for your personal growth and there are no right or wrong answers.

1a) Name the career field or specific job of interest
1b) What do you know about your skills and abilities that make this a good career choice for you to pursue?
1c) Do you currently have a network for this field? If so, how can you maximize this network. If not, what can you do to start building relationships?

2) If you pursue this career, what effects (benefits and challenges) might it have on your:
a) Personal life?
b) Family life?
c) Community life?

3) What are the most important things you’ve learned about this career?
4) What have you learned about the preparation required for this career?
5) What have you learned about the type of work (on the job activities) associated with this
6) Are there any additional questions you need to investigate?
7) How does administrative law relate to your career interest