reading and math screening

The National Center on Response to Intervention web site has a Screening Reading and Math Tools Chart at:

Locate a reading screening tool and a math screening tool that is in use in your school in the chart. If you are not currently working in a school setting, select two

tools of interest to you. Write a report on the reading and the math assessment that you chose with respect to the research which indicates the validity and reliability

of these instruments.

Further: locate either of the following two reading assessments. Choose one of these tools to research to determine the research base behind these assessments and

whether they could be deemed reliable measures for screening.

A screening tool for Reading is The Abecedarian Reading Assessment. This screening tool can be downloaded at:

Another screening tool for reading is has been developed by Larry Smith, Jerrell C. Cassady, Diane Bottomley and Scott Popplewell at the Teachers College at Ball

State University. The Standardized Assessment of Phonological Awareness (SAPA) can be found at:

Your completed assignment will include reporting on a reading and math tool that can be used for screening and its usefulness as supported by citations and reporting

on either of the above listed reading assessments for screening, also supported by references. Please use APA format when writing your paper. Submit the
