Any topic

Paper instructions:
From the exhibit, select two photographs, and write about them in detail.
When looking at each photograph:
• Describe the photographs.
• Discuss what you think the image is about.
• Evaluate it by telling why you think it is good or not.
• In each case, refer back to the image when discussing it.

Describe the gallery or museum
Did you think the installation of the photographs was done well? Make sure your name, the gallery or museum’s name, the photographer’s name, and the day you

went to the gallery all appear on your report.

Describe the images
You should include such things as its size, color, and type of print. Then describe the subject of the picture. Is there a feeling of emotion? Is it composed well?
What is it about? What is the photographer trying to say? What does it mean?
Always refer back to the photo when doing this. “I believe it is about man’s relationship to nature because of the size of the humans in the large landscape which

overpowers them”.

Is it good or not? First state what you feel makes a good photograph. Then apply that statement to the photographs you are looking at. “I feel it is a good

photograph because it brings up emotions in me, and I feel the composition is excellent”.