Please read Michael Scriven’s paper, “Evaluating

Evaluations: A Meta-Evaluation Checklist”


Post your thoughts and reactions about Scriven’s ideas

about what he states is important in metaevaluation.

After this course, what insights have you gained that

would lead you to arrange, or not arrange, the factors

differently? Why?
Review two peers’ entries, and comment on how their

description illustrates development of their critical

thinking skills.
In addition to answering the discussion question, before

the end of the week, begin commenting on at least 2 of

your peers’ responses to the discussion question. You

can ask technical questions or respond generally to the

overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise.

Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to

work toward the goal of positive progress. All

comments should also be posted to the appropriate

topic in this Discussion Area.