Growing up
How does growing up involve increasing amount of responsibility?
Intro: Like all children, when I was growing up all I ever wanted to do was to be big. I always kept a close eye on my role models (my parents and my older siblings) and I always tried to do everything they did. The skills I learnt and the attitude I acquired from a young age would be immense help to me in my later years.
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First of all our parents want us to appreciate the importance of responsibility they also want us to develope habits and strength to act this way in our everyday life. Learning to be responsible inclused learning to :
-Respect others
– Practive honesty
-Show courage in standing up for our principles
– Develope self-control
-Maintain self-control.
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Responsibility is key on growing up first your born, then for a few years your parents take care of you and all you can do is see. You watch them do what they do and how they do it. The time comes where you must walk your parents encourage you, guide you, help you , show you andeventually you get the hang of it. Just like anything else in life.