Ecology and its relations to human progress and protection of the environment

Ecology and its relations to human progress and protection of the environment

Write the essay by answering the question: The insights of ecology into nature have made it possible to achieve a satisfactory balance
between human progress and protection of the environment. Do you agree? Discuss in relation to
EITHER the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire, OR the California Condor Recovery Plan in the USA.

-introduction: introduce the background a little bit and show clearly how the essay is going to answer the question, using sentences like ‘This essay is going to discuss/examine…firstly…secondly…’ in the end of the introduction to show arguments clearly.

-conclusion: restate the arguments in this essay briefly and in the same order as those in the introduction.

-body paragraphs: 1.Have a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph by stating the main argument. 2.Within a paragraph (an argument), using ‘firstly’ ‘secondly’ list all the points. 3.Make sure each paragraph is connected/related to another and show the connections. 4.Use headings or sequence numbers to make the whole essay easy and LOGICAL to follow/read.

-references: The materials that I uploaded must be mainly used and discussed, also the following list:

Mitman, Gregg (1992) The state of nature: ecology, community, and American social
thought, 1900-1950, Science and its conceptual foundations,
University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Glacken, C. J. (1967) Traces on the Rhodian Shore, University of California Press,

McNeill, J. R. (2000) Something new under the sun: an environmental history of the
twentieth century world, W. W. Norton & Co., New York.

Ponting, Clive (1999) Progress and barbarism: the world in the twentieth century,
Pimlico, London.

Russell, Edmund (2001) War and nature: fighting humans and insects with chemicals
from World War I to Silent Spring, Cambridge University Press,

Sideris, Lisa H. & Moore, Kathleen Dean (2008) Rachel Carson: legacy and challenge,
State University of New York Press, Albany, NY.

MUST base on Rachel Carson’s work and use another two pieces of her work at least. Use academic journals and books only, don’t just gather all the materials without logic, explain/show the relevance for every reference. ALWAYS support the arguments (and each point within the arguments) with evidence/reference.

-grammar: always double check grammar throughout the essay, don’t write a single sentence that is too long and contains too much information. Break it into shorter ones instead. Avoid any run-on sentence, informal word or way of expression.