Organisational Behaviour The Assignment Brief

Organisational Behaviour The Assignment Brief
Your individual work should be submitted in an essay format, not exceeding 4000 words. The essay follows the pattern of an introduction, the main theme, and ends with a conclusion.
• Part One: ‘Motivation, leadership styles, group working and organisational structure could all be contributory factors in organisational conflict’.
With specific reference to an organisation of your choice and recognising the interests of the key stakeholders, identify and discuss possible conflicts which may arise. You are also required to evaluate how conflict between these elements may help or hinder the achievement of organisational goals .
Critically evaluate the management development process, using organisational examples to support your argument.
• Part Two: As suggested by Senior & Fleming (2006) “Soft systems approaches to change emphasize not just the content and control of change but also the process by which change comes about. They require consideration of the cultural and political aspects of organisations as much as the structure and systems”.
Critically evaluate this statement by determining in what situations it is either appropriate or inappropriate to employ soft systems methodologies to managing and sustaining organisational change.
Each part carries the same mark.
The coursework will account for 90% of the marks awarded for this module.
Some general points on the coursework assignment
As a rule it is a good idea for you to place graphs, sketches, tables etc on the page to which they refer to them or on the very next page but these should definitely not be consigned to an appendix. You should always clearly label the question and sub-questions, which you are dealing with. Finally, where a word limit is imposed it is important you stay within this. You should always provide clear referencing of the material you use to support your arguments, ensuring that you cite ALL the sources and attributing any quotes appropriately to the author, so as not to leave yourself open to plagiarism. Software may be used to detect plagiarism. Also, you should ensure that you include a full, properly referenced, bibliography. You should also keep an electronic copy of the coursework.