

Respond to the two questions posed below:

In the Week 4b lecture by Professors Maggie Stedman-Smith and David Hussey (2011), you were introduced to the MAP-IT approach to community planning.To place this week’s discussion into a realistic context, you should assume you have recently been employed as an Assistant to the Director of the Ohio Department of Health responsible for addressing the Health Disparity topic you selected at the end of Week 2. On July 1, 2013, you have been asked by the Director for your views how a state-wide and/or individual county community coalitions can be mobilized in the State of Ohio to address this Health Disparity.Please refer to your reading assignment ( regarding specifics in mobilizing a community to action including questions you might pose, strategies and tools you can use. With respect to the health disparity topic discussed in your Draft Health Disparity Essay, please explain how you might approach this assignment using the MAP-IT approach which includes: Mobilize; Access; Plan; Implement; and Track key individuals and organizations into a state-wide or county community coalition(s) to mitigate this health disparity.
Using the formal framework derived from LaVeist (2005) for evaluating a health disparity, please write a concise (150-200 word) Weekly Essay applying two of the three following factors: 1.) social-environmental factors; 2.) behavioral/psychosocial factors; and 3.) biogenetic and physiological factors to analyze the health disparity identified in your Draft Health Disparity Essay. You should cite/reference at least two peer reviewed academic studies to support your analysis and incorporate theories discussed by LaVeist (2005).