Topic: Into That Darkness by Gitta Sereny
Subject: Holocaust
Length: 6 pages/1,500 words
This assignment is an essay on Gitta Sereny?s Into that Darkness: An Examination of Conscience. Your work should be based on your reading of the book and your own analysis of it: do not do additional research or use reviews or summaries written by other people.
The book Into that Darkness centers on the journalist Gitta Sereny?s interviews with Franz Stangl, the former commandant of the German death camp Treblinka. At the time of the interview, in 1971, Stangl had just begun serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity. In her conversations with Stangl, Sereny was not interested in establishing his guilt or innocence. The court had after all ruled on that only a few months earlier. Rather, she was trying to understand how an ordinary man like Franz Stangl became a mass murderer. In your essay, discuss how Sereny accounts for Stangl?s path from master weaver to death camp commandant?
As you consider your answer, think about the following questions:
? How does Stangl represent himself and his motivations?
? Do you believe him? Why or why not?
? How does his narrative fit with the testimonies that Sereny includes from Stangl?s wife, colleagues, and victims?
Tip: It is very important that you do not merely describe Stangl?s life story. You are being asked to analyze Sereny?s argument. Therefore, as you read, take notes, and prepare your outline, you need to consider what Sereny is arguing and what evidence she presents in support of her claims? Is her argument convincing? Why or why not?