Design, conduct and report on a pilot study relevant to your current MBA dissertation topic (or other similar topic) applying one of the research methods covered in the module material (or another method with the prior written approval of the module leader). Critically evaluate both the results and the method employed.

Test out and improve your research skills by carrying out a small piece of practical research and by learning from the experience. You will conduct a pilot study so as to experience the choices involved in the design and operation of empirical research, including gathering data and analysing data to extract meaning. You should then reflect on your experience, summarise your learning and propose improvements to assist you in completing your dissertation.
Learning Objectives
In the context of a pilot study relevant to the participant’s dissertation,
To practise and gain feedback from
conducting a brief review of relevant literature
constructing a researchable question or testable hypotheses
designing and using one method of data gathering
with appropriate data recording
designing and using appropriate methods of data analysis
applying the results of the data analysis
to the question or hypotheses
to the design and development of the main dissertation study
reflecting and learning from the experience
Tasks and Report Components
Devise, briefly explain and state a researchable question(s) or testable hypothesis/es based on a brief review of literature (approx 500 words) relevant to your currently proposed dissertation topic.
Choose one element of the question/hypothesis and design a pilot study that will include the gathering of relevant data by an appropriate qualitative or quantitative method.
Centre for Global Learning and Executive Education
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Describe and justify the method of data gathering and data recording that you will use, including commentary on sampling, validity, reliability and authenticity as appropriate to the method. Include for example explanation of interview questions or adaptations to previously published questionnaires. Note the limitations of the method(s) and of the pilot study.;
Describe and justify your data analysis method(s).
Carry out the data gathering –
Semi-structured interview – at least three respondents
Structured interview – at least five respondents
Questionnaire – minimum 30 completed questionnaires
Other methods – sufficient data to allow analysis
Record the raw data and be prepared to provide if requested.
Analyse the data and comment on the analyses in the context of your research question(s) or hypotheses. Include processed data in appropriate formats eg data tables, themes or nodes, annotated interview transcripts, contemporaneous notes.
Briefly evaluate the pilot study including impact of the findings.
Reflect on your learning (substantive, practical, conceptual) and how you will apply the learning in carrying out your dissertation eg what has been learnt, what will be kept the same, what done differently.
Your assignment should be presented in the form of an academic report taking full account of referencing and other conventions.
Research Ethics: You should design, conduct and report on your pilot study in an ethical manner. Ensure that you complete the Ethics Flow Chart before gathering any data and, for practical convenience, try to design the study so that you are not required to complete any other forms.