Shakespeare Textual Analysis of Sonnet 17

Shakespeare Textual Analysis of Sonnet 17


Although you might discuss the relevance of the context of the selection under discussion (i.e.: the placement of the sonnet within the sonnet sequence), your primary concern should be with the language of the text. Do not spend the entire paper paraphrasing the sonnet line by line. Focus instead on the interesting images and poetic devices and spend your time explaining to your reader what makes them so effective, interesting, or problematic within the context of the poem.

Your audience is a group of open-minded, college-level peers who have read the sonnet, but who have not thought about it as deeply as you have.
• Don’t rush to analyze what the language means figuratively. Always begin with the literal. (I recommend taking no more than one paragraph in which to summarize the sonnet and tell your reader generally what is happening and/or what the speaker is saying in the poem. More than one paragraph and you will lose sight of what the essay is really supposed to be about.)
• Once you understand the literal meaning, then ask yourself what the images mean figuratively.
• Once you understand the figurative meaning, determine which devices are used to convey that meaning. Is there a preponderance of a single technique (such as metaphor), or does Shakespeare use a combination of techniques? Why?
• Do not feel compelled to mention every poetic device or technique you find in the selection. Instead, discuss only those that seem to be important in relation to your thesis.
• After looking at the individual poetic devices, look at the overall effect of the passage: What point is Shakespeare making in relation to the sonnet sequence as a whole (if any)?
• Remember that the SPEAKER of the poem and the AUTHOR of the poem are not the same thing. Please be careful to distinguish between the two and refer to them accordingly.