MBA6601 Unit III Scholarly Activity and MBA 6601 Unit III Discussion Board

MBA 6601 Unit III Scholarly Activity


For this assignment, refer to the tables and answer the questions in one or two paragraphs each. Respond to both parts one and two in the same document.



Part One


1. Referring to Table 1, what can be concluded about Spain’s absolute and comparative advantage for both boats and trucks?


Maximum Output


Spain                  Portugal

Boats                             3                          2

Trucks                            12                        6

Table 1


2. Referring to Table 2:

·         Who has absolute advantage in what good?

·         Italy has comparative advantage in what good?

·         Greece has comparative advantage in what good?


Maximum Output


Wine                     Tables

Italy                                1,000                         200

Greece                              200                          100

Table 2



Part Two


Essay question: As a student, you are currently, paying $5,000 in tuition annually. You work and decide you want to devote more time to your studies to increase your grade point average (GPA); therefore, you give up your job earning $25,000 annually. You expect that when you graduate you will earn $40,000 annually. It takes you one year to complete your studies.

a)      Explain the concept of opportunity cost.

b)      Is it beneficial to quit your job? Why, or why not?


Your response should be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.



MBA6601 Unit III Discussion Board


Map 5.1  in your text shows that a bit over 50 percent of Costa Rica’s exports go to only three countries. Which trade theories may help you explain this concentration, and why? Locate at least one resource (besides your text book) which supports your opinion.




( Solution Included )


Page Length:  6 page(s) Total

Word Count: 890 Words Scholarly Activity & 234 Words DQ

Writing Style: APA

Number of sources: 4