The term “black death” refers to a pandemic which had ravaged Western Europe, Middle East, Asia and the North America during the 14th century. It was a plague that covered and was in a large part of the European and the Asian countries between the periods 1347 to 1351. Black Death was a period that had created havoc during the time when it had occurred. It made the lives of people a complete blunder. It killed people. European population had reduced to one-third of its initial population. People used to die in hundreds and thousands. Lives were taken away in numerously and mercilessly. It even happened that many members from the same family had been killed due to this widespread of plague. This in numerous and merciless death of humans had affected the minds of the other humans very badly. They had all lost hopes in their lives. They had turned into a living stone. These were individuals with hearts and minds but no feelings (Zachary Peschke, 2007). It badly affected the psychology of the people. Many even lost their mental stability of mind. It also produced adverse affects on their cultural and religious beliefs. It had ushered a new age of pessimism. People lost their faith in God. They became dumb. They all had become senseless or rather it can be said that those humans who had faced this Black Death had become lifeless.
The term “black death” refers to a pandemic which had ravaged Western Europe, Middle East, Asia and the North America during the 14th century. It was a plague that covered and was in a large part of the European and the Asian countries between the periods 1347 to 1351. Black Death was a period that had created havoc during the time when it had occurred. It made the lives of people a complete blunder. It killed people. European population had reduced to one-third of its initial population. People used to die in hundreds and thousands. Lives were taken away in numerously and mercilessly. It even happened that many members from the same family had been killed due to this widespread of plague. This in numerous and merciless death of humans had affected the minds of the other humans very badly. They had all lost hopes in their lives. They had turned into a living stone. These were individuals with hearts and minds but no feelings (Zachary Peschke, 2007). It badly affected the psychology of the people. Many even lost their mental stability of mind. It also produced adverse affects on their cultural and religious beliefs. It had ushered a new age of pessimism. People lost their faith in God. They became dumb. They all had become senseless or rather it can be said that those humans who had faced this Black Death had become lifeless.