PSYC 101 quiz 7 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 7 complete solutions correct answers key

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Chapter 7

Question 1 Culture­fair IQ tests are not widely used because they

Question 2 Most people assume there are more words in the English language that begin with the letter k than have the letter k in the third position. This may be because it is easier to think of words that begin with k and thus may be an example of

Question 3 Tara has experienced severe delays in all areas of development, though she has learned some basic speech skills. Her doctors think she may be able to learn some simple tasks, but she will require fairly close supervision in everything she does. Tara is best described as having _____.

Question 4 William has been trying to solve a particularly thorny problem he is faced with. Every time he tries to solve the problem, he starts thinking about it and framing it in the same way that failed to lead to a solution before. William is having problems with which aspect of creative problem solving?

Question 5 Alexander Graham Bell studied the human ear and noticed how sounds were transmitted when a membrane (the eardrum) vibrated. He applied this knowledge to the development of the telephone, using a similar process of vibration of a membrane. Which cognitive process did Bell demonstrate?

Question 6 Chrissy relies on a “rule of thumb” to solve her problem. In scientific terms, Chrissy’s strategy is called a(n)

Question 7 In its original conception, intelligence quotient was defined as

Question 8 What is the major drawback of algorithms?

Question 9 Samuel faces the challenge of intellectual disability. He has been working as a cashier in a convenience store for several years. He has learned to do relatively simple arithmetic as it applies to his job, and he can read well enough to understand the daily newspaper, but he cannot easily go beyond these tasks. Samuel is best described as having _____.

Question 10 Letty has a very complex problem to solve. She decides to break the problem down into smaller, more manageable problems. Which strategy best describes what Letty is doing?

Question 11 Kristina scored below average on an intelligence test in 5 th grade. As a result, she was held back a year. Her parents and teachers developed low expectations for her. Ultimately, Kristina quit high school and took a low­paying job at a convenience store. This is an example of

Question 12 The rules governing the meaning of words are called

Question 13 Tom’s parents have just been told that Tom has dyslexia. What does this mean?

Question 14 In the history of intelligence tests, which event is the most recent?

Question 15 Concerns with intelligence tests include all of the following EXCEPT

Question 16 Chalanda is described as suffering from a moderate intellectual disability. She likely has an IQ in the range of

Question 17 What are the smallest units of meaning in a language?

Question 18 Which of the following examples represents the most remarkable demonstration of teaching animals to communicate?

Question 19 According to the text, thinking involves each of the following EXCEPT

Question 20 A heuristic is


Question 1 Martin looks at his class syllabus and notices that his professor will lecture today on the work of Noam Chomsky. What is most likely to be the focus of the lecture?

Question 2 Taking an overview of the theories of intelligence, all but which of the following are fair conclusions?

Question 3 In Binet’s method of intelligence testing, the age at which a child’s performance peaked was considered his or her

Question 4 Eric was tested at school for entry into the gifted program. It is likely that Eric scored at least _____ on his intelligence test.

Question 5 Regarding human language development, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 6 Regarding theories of intelligence, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 7 What is the sequence for language development?

Question 8 Who adapted the Binet­Simon Intelligence Test for American use and established norms for the test?

Question 9 Paul is trying to research a problem online. He has found a wealth of relevant information. He is examining the information he has collected with a critical attitude, trying to ensure that the information he has collected is valid. Paul is engaged in which aspect of creative problem solving?

Question 10 Concerns with intelligence tests include all of the following EXCEPT

Question 11 The terms “veggie burger” and “cell phone” represent which process underlying creative thinking?

Question 12 Chalanda is described as suffering from a moderate intellectual disability. She likely has an IQ in the range of

Question 13 Chrissy relies on a “rule of thumb” to solve her problem. In scientific terms, Chrissy’s strategy is called a(n)

Question 14 All but which of the following are examples of phonemes?

Question 15 What is the major drawback of algorithms?

Question 16 Third­grade teacher Victor serves as a proctor for administration of group IQ tests to children at his school. Victor has been instructed to make sure that he follows the uniform procedures for administering the test in order to make sure the test is used correctly. With which criteria of test administration is Victor concerned?

Question 17 Stella uses a problem­solving technique in which she proposes as many solutions to a problem as possible, no matter how far­fetched or weird the ideas seem. Which technique is Stella using?

Question 18 Whose theory of intelligence has had a particularly strong influence on the field of education?

Question 19 Regarding concepts, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 Which of the following statements regarding language development is most strongly supported by the evidence?


Question 1 Compared to men, women tend to

Question 2 Which group is predicted to have the most highly correlated IQ scores?

Question 3 Regarding Wechsler’s tests of intelligence, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 4 Karen had been trying to solve a problem for several days when she experienced a sudden awareness of the correct solution to her problem. Karen’s experience describes the concept of

Question 5 Spearman proposed that intelligence is composed of

Question 6 Which heuristic involves starting with a possible solution and then working in reverse order to see if the data support the solution?

Question 7 The rules governing proper use of words, phrases, and sentences to convey meaning are called

Question 8 Arnold tries to find the single correct solution to his problem. Which mental process is Arnold using?

Question 9 Culture­fair IQ tests are not widely used because they

Question 10 Who developed an artificial language based on plastic chips and trained a chimp to communicate with these chips?

Question 11 In intelligence testing, norms are

Question 12 What is the sequence for language development?

Question 13 Which type of imagery is easiest to form?

Question 14 The most widely used intelligence tests in America today were developed by

Question 15 Regarding gender differences in cognitive abilities, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 16 In IQ testing, what is predictive validity?

Question 17 Chalanda is described as suffering from a moderate intellectual disability. She likely has an IQ in the range of

Question 18 Language is

Question 19 A heuristic is

Question 20 Regarding intelligence, psychologists have long argued about all but which of the following?


Question 1 Kohler studied which aspect of problem solving?

Question 2 Engineer Phinegan Tatarchuk likes to use analogy during the creative process of developing new products. When Tatarchuk does this, he is

Question 3 What percentage of people with intellectual disability can be described as having a profound level of intellectual disability?

Question 4 Which of the following best describes decision making?

Question 5 Jorge is a biology student and learns that botanists have clear rules for determining what a bean is. The concept of “bean” he is learning in class is referred to as a

Question 6 Tara has experienced severe delays in all areas of development, though she has learned some basic speech skills. Her doctors think she may be able to learn some simple tasks, but she will require fairly close supervision in everything she does. Tara is best described as having _____.

Question 7 Which of the following examples represents the most remarkable demonstration of teaching animals to communicate?

Question 8 Scientists believe that ape communication through gesturing represents

Question 9 Irene has a mental age of 10 and a chronological age of 8. Using the IQ formula from your text, Irene’s IQ would be

Question 10 Language is

Question 11 Regarding the concept of the language acquisition device, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 In Binet’s method of intelligence testing, the age at which a child’s performance peaked was considered his or her

Question 13 Regarding research on the Whorfian hypothesis, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Question 14 All but which of the following are examples of phonemes?

Question 15 Regarding concepts, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 16 Eric was tested at school for entry into the gifted program. It is likely that Eric scored at least _____ on his intelligence test.

Question 17 According to the text, thinking is defined as

Question 18 As cited in the text, many of Albert Einstein’s creative insights involved the use of

Question 19 Regarding intelligence, psychologists have long argued about all but which of the following?

Question 20 Who adapted the Binet­Simon Intelligence Test for American use and established norms for the test?


Question 1 Which group is predicted to have the most highly correlated IQ scores?

Question 2 Samuel faces the challenge of intellectual disability. He has been working as a cashier in a convenience store for several years. He has learned to do relatively simple arithmetic as it applies to his job, and he can read well enough to understand the daily newspaper, but he cannot easily go beyond these tasks. Samuel is best described as having _____.

Question 3 Language consists of _____ basic components, and they are called ______.

Question 4 A deviation IQ is an IQ score based on

Question 5 According to the text, creative problem solving begins with

Question 6 According to the text, which of the following definitions best describes intelligence?

Question 7 A woman who sticks to her belief that her husband is not abusive and discounts evidence of his abusive behavior may be demonstrating

Question 8 In Gardner’s model, interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to

Question 9 The fact that Rosa has very good “people skills” but is not particularly adept at linguistic skills is best accounted for by _____.

Question 10 Scientists believe that ape communication through gesturing represents

Question 11 Cognitive psychologists are likely to study all but which of the following topics?

Question 12 Functional fixedness is

Question 13 Gardner describes intelligence as being composed of

Question 14 Among these individuals, who would be considered the earliest pioneer in the field of intelligence testing?

Question 15 Whose theory of intelligence has had a particularly strong influence on the field of education?

Question 16 Which of Sternberg’s types of intelligence is typically measured in traditional tests of intelligence?

Question 17 What are the smallest units of meaning in a language?

Question 18 The rules governing the meaning of words are called

Question 19 Helena takes the subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (WAIS). She will take all but which of the following?

Question 20 Francesca has very high levels of linguistic intelligence. The model of multiple intelligences suggests that Francesca might be best suited to be a(n)

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