PSYC 101 quiz 4 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 4 complete solutions correct answers key

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Chapter 4

Question 1 A common treatment for opioid addiction is

Question 2 Monica is having a long, detailed dream. In which stage of sleep is Monica most likely to be?

Question 3 Kelsey has a sleep disorder in which she suddenly wakes up in the night with a panicky scream. She is only able to remember fragments of her dream images, and she is dazed and frightened upon awakening. Which sleep disorder does Kelsey most likely have?

Question 4 Regarding hallucinogens, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Question 5 Nina’s pineal gland has been damaged. She can expect a disturbance in the release of the hormone

Question 6 Hashish is a potent form of which psychoactive drug?

Question 7 Fernando just entered a drug treatment center for his chemical dependency. He is currently going through a process in which his body is cleared of drugs. What is this process called?

Question 8 Jonathan is in a state of focused awareness while he studies for his final exams. Jonathan’s consciousness can be described as all but which of the following?

Question 9 The role­playing model of hypnosis proposes that the effects of hypnosis can best be understood in terms of _____.

Question 10 According to the early psychologist William James, consciousness can best be described as

Question 11 Regarding REM sleep, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 13 Inheriting a greater tolerance for the negative effects of alcohol

Question 14 Alcohol is to ______ as caffeine is to _____.

Question 15 To combat insomnia, all but which of the following are recommended in the text?

Question 16 Since hallucinogens alter sensory perceptions and produce sensory distortions, they are also called ________, a word that literally means “mind revealing.”

Question 17 Regarding amphetamines, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 18 _____ is an example of a synthetic opioid.

Question 19 Daydreaming is most likely to occur during which type of consciousness?

Question 20 Regarding tranquilizers, which of the following statements is FALSE?


Question 1 All but which of the following people are predicted to be experiencing an altered state of consciousness?

Question 2 Jet lag has shown to be associated with all but which of the following?

Question 3 Sociocultural factors that might increase the probability that an individual will begin to abuse drugs or alcohol include all of the following EXCEPT _____.

Question 4 People who abuse more than one drug at a time are called

Question 5 Beta brain waves are ______, and alpha brain waves are ______.

Question 6 In terms of brain waves, awake and alert is to ______ as awake and relaxed is to ______.

Question 7 Scientists believe that narcolepsy is caused by

Question 8 In Freudian theory, the actual events that occur in a dream are referred to as its ______ content, while the underlying meaning of a dream is its ______ content.

Question 9 Which of the following people is at risk for inducing psychosis?

Question 10 The two most widely used hallucinogens are

Question 11 Daydreaming is most likely to occur during which type of consciousness?

Question 12 Which of the following groups have relatively low levels of alcoholism?

Question 13 Which of the following stimulants is likely to produce hallucinogenic effects?

Question 14 Use of MDMA may result in all but which of the following?

Question 15 Which of the following statements regarding regular use of caffeinated coffee is FALSE?

Question 16 ______ theory describes hypnosis as a phenomenon in which one’s consciousness divides or splits.

Question 17 Barney has developed a psychological dependence on alcohol, but not a physiological dependence. This means that _____.

Question 18 Which of the following statements about marijuana is FALSE?

Question 19 Regarding daydreaming, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 In comparing consciousness to an ever­flowing river, the early psychologist William James was making the point that consciousness involves


Question 1 Regarding psychoactive drugs, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 2 All but which of the following are depressants?

Question 3 Lorna was just pulled over by the police for suspicious driving. Testing revealed her blood alcohol level to be .25. Which description is the police officer most likely to have written regarding Lorna’s appearance and behavior?

Question 4 All but which of the following people are predicted to be experiencing an altered state of consciousness?

Question 5 Amphetamine psychosis resembles acute episodes of which psychological disorder?

Question 6 Which of the following drugs can lead to psychological but not physiological dependence?

Question 7 Which of the following best describes sleep apnea?

Question 8 Regarding sleep cycles, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 9 Which statement best describes effective treatment of sleep disorders?

Question 10 Which of the following statements regarding regular use of caffeinated coffee is FALSE?

Question 11 Regarding patterns of smoking, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 During hypnosis, Gail’s hypnotist tells her that she will have an increased desire to drink water and eat healthy food. This describes what type of hypnotic experience?

Question 13 Regarding alcohol use among college students, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 14 Which of the following best describes REM sleep?

Question 15 Juanita and Emilia are Latino sisters who were both raised in a family and community that discouraged drinking among women. Juanita has been living in the U.S. for 15 years, while Emilia remained in their home country. Now, Juanita drinks alcohol much more regularly and heavily than Emilia. This is an example of which type of influence on drug use?

Question 16 Which of these hallucinogens derive from natural substances and have been used by Native Americans for religious purposes?

Question 17 People who abuse more than one drug at a time are called

Question 18 Regarding consciousness, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 19 The psychological effects of LSD are best described as

Question 20 Nina’s pineal gland has been damaged. She can expect a disturbance in the release of the hormone


Question 1 Regarding REM sleep, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 2 Which psychologist can be described as working from the role­playing model of hypnosis?

Question 3 Monica is having a long, detailed dream. In which stage of sleep is Monica most likely to be?

Question 4 Amphetamine psychosis resembles acute episodes of which psychological disorder?

Question 5 In a study reported in the text, Canadian drivers were asked to report distracted driving behaviors. Which behavior was most commonly reported for other drivers?

Question 6 Nadia frequently drives home without paying attention to her route. This is an example of

Question 7 All but which of the following are reasons that investigators have described for the functions of sleep?

Question 8 Regarding alcohol, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 9 Regarding consciousness, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 10 After repeatedly using a drug over six months, Elian’s body chemistry has changed such that it depends on having a steady supply of the drug. Elian has developed

Question 11 Negative and positive hallucinations describe which hypnotic experience?

Question 12 Sherilyn takes MDMA. When she buys the drug at the local dance club, she asks for

Question 13 In terms of brain waves, awake and alert is to ______ as awake and relaxed is to ______.

Question 14 Regarding sleep deprivation, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 15 All of the following are tranquilizers EXCEPT

Question 16 Regarding alcohol use among college students, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 17 Regarding hypnosis, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 18 Reduction of central nervous system activity is the defining feature of

Question 19 Inheriting a greater tolerance for the negative effects of alcohol

Question 20 Opioids utilize the same receptors in the brain as


Question 1 Among teenagers who begin smoking, about what proportion or percentage will eventually die of smoking-­related causes?

Question 2 Barbiturates are used for all of the following EXCEPT

Question 3 In which stage do you spend the majority of your sleep time?

Question 4 An LSD “trip” may last as long as

Question 5 In terms of brain waves, awake and alert is to ______ as awake and relaxed is to ______.

Question 6 In hypnosis, reliving of past events is described as

Question 7 The hormone melatonin helps synchronize the sleep-­wake cycle by means of

Question 8 Which of the following statements about the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) is FALSE?

Question 9 Regarding sleep patterns across the life cycle, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 10 Which statement best describes effective treatment of sleep disorders?

Question 11 The SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) works to regulate the sleep­wake cycles by means of

Question 12 Among alcohol-­induced deaths, what is a frequent cause of death?

Question 13 Regarding circadian rhythms, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 14 Sheila is awake and in an alert state. Sheila’s brain wave pattern should consist primarily of

Question 15 Amphetamine psychosis resembles acute episodes of which psychological disorder?

Question 16 Who is generally regarded as the father of American psychology and recognized for his contributions to the study of consciousness?

Question 17 The protective function of sleep refers to the role of sleep in

Question 18 In a study reported in the text, Canadian drivers were asked to report distracted driving behaviors. Which behavior was most commonly reported for other drivers?

Question 19 _____ is an example of a synthetic opioid.

Question 20 Characteristics of a highly hypnotizable person include all of the following EXCEPT

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