
Research and annotated bibliography using the University Library, reference four to six peer reviewed articles that you could use as sources for your week four presentation. Briefly explain how these articles will be useful as references for your presentation. Submit these references as an annotated bibliography in correct APA format. What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, web pages, and other documents. The reference citation is listed first and is followed by a brief description. The annotation informs the reader of the relevance and quality of the sources cited. What is the purpose of the annotated bibliography? In certain classes, you will be asked to write an annotated bibliography, which sounds quite intimidating, but is simply a brief summary of something you have read or consulted during the course of your research on a given subject. The annotated bibliography has a structured format, and the purpose for this is to provide the organizational tool you need to keep track of your research and references. The bibliography may serve a number of purposes: illustrate the quality of research, provide examples, review literature on a particular subject, or provide further exploration of the subject. 2: Select a contemporary issue that is of interest to you. Create an attitude survey using your selected issue. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain the steps you took to create your survey. Address the following items in your paper: Explain the purpose of the survey. Discuss the preliminary design issues you experienced in creating your survey. Describe the specific instructions for administering, scoring, and interpreting your survey. Attach a copy of your survey to your paper when you turn it in. 3: Participation