HR Roles and Responsibilities
MGT 431 Human Resources Management
HR Roles and Responsibilities
The human resource department plays a key role in the success of organizations all over the world. The responsibilities of HR are many and include analyzing work and designing jobs, attracting potential employees, choosing employees, teaching employees how to perform the job and preparing them for the future with training and development. HR is also responsible for creating and communicating benefit packages for employees and creating a positive work environment. Look at it this way, without employees there would be no organization, without HR there wouldn’t be any employees. “At companies with effective HRM, employees and customers tend to be more satisfied, and the companies tend to be more innovative, have greater productivity, and develop a more favorable reputation in the community (Gerhart, Hollenbeck, Noe, & Wright, 2007).” Although HR has an effective plan and strategy in aiding organizations with success, they must not be stagnant to the ever changing world