Assignment 3: Development of an assessment-infused unit of work
This task requires you to take an existing teaching unit from your context and to infuse it with the principles and practices of assessment for learning as discussed throughout the course and related readings. The unit should include:
? A statement of rationale, purpose, and focus
? Details of student learning activities
? Details of assessment activities
? Details of resources to be used
? Reflection and Concluding statement of 1800 words explaining how the unit embodies AfL principles and demonstrates your understanding of key concepts and issues (cite a range of literature) explicitly raised during the course and in your follow up readings.
Alternatively, if you have an innovative assessment practice (original) and you have used it in your class, you can write a paper (3,500 words) to describe it. You need to provide a strong theoretical rationale and discuss its practical applications in improving student learning. You need to provide an empirical evidence to support your claim.
Other alternative assignments may be negotiated.
As I am not a teacher (I was working as an educational officer in Thai police department. I was negotiated course coordinator to write a paper about ? using feedback ,peer assessment to enhance the teacher or student to using learning technologies?
So he allowed me to develop a particular unit of work (topic of I have choice ) with AfL components embedded.