Assignment Requirements
Your final requirement for LDA 190 is to send me a 5 page double-spaced essay on what you’ve learned from our speakers this quarter, mentioning at least 5 speakers by name. I suggest orienting the paper as much as possible around your own future plans for gaining employment or additional experience, as I think that’d be most useful to many of you. As with most papers, try to develop an overall framework and then use specific details and examples from the talks to develop your points within that framework. For a paper this length it might be good to have 2-3 sections, with a brief introduction and conclusion.
This paper is due to me by email one week after our final lecture, that is by Friday June 6 at 1 PM.
I believe that video of the talks is on UCD’s ITUNES U at if you want to refer to them.
title in itunes U about the videos are LDA aLUMNI: WHAT ARE THE DOING NOW?
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