Macroeconomics-Search and Unemployment

Assignment Requirements


Answer the following 3 questions using the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis database website, using the data found on this exact link ( obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis database. To help answer this question, note that separations
take three forms, quits, layoffs, and retirements. The last category is much smaller than either of
the other two and so can be ignored for the purposes of these questions.
1. There are alternative measures of the unemployment rate that include the “marginally attached” and “discouraged workers.” Plot these special unemployment rates relative to the standard measure of the unemployment rate, and comment on the differences that you see.
2. Plot the separation rate (total nonfarm). How does the separation rate behave during recessions? What does this tell you about the source of decreases in employment during recessions?
3. Plot employment as measured in the current population survey, and as measured in the establishment survey. How are these measures different, and how do they behave differently.
I have uploaded the PowerPoint slides of the chapter covering the material to help you. Answer all three questions fully and accurately.


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