Jakarta Fashion Week – Project Plan

Assignment Requirements


This order is for my Project Management class. The project that I am doing is to plan a Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 project. I need the writer to make:

Part 1 – 1 Page of Schedule/gantt charts
Part 2 – 2 page of Resource histogram, project cost, risk mitigation
Part 3 – 1 page of Conclusion and recommendation

I wrote the problem statement, project charter, WBS chart and risk mitigation (not complete risk mitigation so the write can just continue from that for the part 2)

Please see the attachments for details.

I attached 4 documents:

1 PDF file for the instructions
1 word file for work breakdown structure/WBS
1 excel file for responsibility assignment matrix/RACI model
1 word file for risk management plan template that I did and have not finish yet.

Description of Risk Event Prevention/Mitigation Strategies

  1. Planning take longer time
  2. This delay will affect the marketing team to start.


  1. Not enough sponsors from the fashion industry to fund the project
  2. This is a fashion event so it will be great if all the sponsors are from the fashion industry


  1. Reputation risk
  2. This risk applies to the reputation of the whole Jakarta Fashion Week event team.


  1. Facilities risk
  2. This risk is about the maintenance and safety that might happen during the event

  1. (a) Set the specific date for each planning activities to be done

(b) Prioritize the budgeting plan, finding the venue and event date so the marketing team can starts working

(c) Defining the critical path


  1. (a) Marketing team must work above and beyond in getting the targeted sponsors to approve the project


Probable Causes







Contingency Plans












Triggers for Contingency Plan








Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

ID Activity Name Deliverable(s)
1.0 Planning To accomplish the project on time and on budget.
1.1 Venue, catering, and décor Venue, catering and décor must be from the same company. Venue must provide catering and décor service in order to get better price deal in getting package bundle.



Guest speakers, judges and performers



Finding the right guest speakers, judges and performers in this big fashion event to attract more guests and brands/designers to join the event (increase revenue)


1.2.1 Send out invitations for distinguished editors and artists Confirm the number of performers and media publication that are going to join the event
1.3.1 Set the registration time frame The show time and booth space are limited. Setting the registration time frame will allow us to finish the booth setting layout and event program sooner.
1.3.2 Set the locations for registrations Tickets to attend the show will be sold on the website and designated retails. For brands/store/designers who are going to have a show or booth in the event will have to register at the Femina Group main office
1.3.3 Gather all participants information This will allow us to create the show run time and show programs
2.0 Marketing  
2.1 Develop the website Online ticket selling will be available and all updates for the show will be easy access to the attendees.
2.2 Promotion and publication  
2.2.1 Produce promotion materials for sponsors Sponsors will be able to legally put the Jakarta Fashion Week logo onto their advertisement to show their participation to this event
2.2.2 Update social media and website news This will allow the market to see the progress towards the event and keep their excitement
2.2.3 Produce and distribute flyers, tickets and contact cards This is part of the promotion activity
3.0 On Site Getting the venue ready for the event
3.1 Setup  
          3.1.1 Technical Technical and sound check complete Music, lighting and stage are ready Stage clear, clean and ready Off stage props are in place  
3.1.2 Safety Safety precautions are in place All cords are taped and covered Emergency contact information readily available First aid kit available  
3.1.3 Hospitality Keep the attendees comfortable Refreshment area setup Greeters, ushers and performers are ready To keep the event run on time
3.2 Teardown  
3.2.1 Props and equipment all stowed, stored and secured  
3.2.2 Stage and technical areas are clear of all hazards  
3.2.3 Decorations removed  


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