Write an essay applying one of the ethical theories covered in this class* to one of the moral problems discussed in part four of The Ethical Life**. What verdict would the theory give about the moral question at stake, and why? Do you agree with the verdict of the theory in this particular instance? Why or why not? Be sure to argue for your position and anticipate possible objections to your view.
This is 1000-word minimum argumentative essay. Submissions that contain fewer than 1000 words of content will not be accepted (which results in zero points for the assignment).
*Theories include Natural Law Theory, Divine Command Theory, Ethical Egoism, Consequentialism (including Utilitarianism), Kantianism, Social Contract Theory, Ethical Pluralist Theories (including Ross’s Ethics), Virtue Ethics, and Feminist Ethical Theories.
** Problems include Marriage Equality, Poverty and Hunger, Euthanasia, Terrorism and Torture, The Moral Status of Animals, The Environment, Abortion, The Limits of the Law, Enhancing Human Beings, and Affirmative Action.