The research project (the causes and effects of rudeness): Rudeness–The Decline of Civility or a Sign of the Times?

Directions: For this research paper project, you are invited to write an augmentative essay of at least six paragraphs and 1000-1050 words. This research paper counts as two writing assignments and is worth 200 points. Reseach rationale: You will discuss the decline of civility in society and the frustrations that occur when we fail to use proper etiquette or treat others with common courtesy. To carry out the purpose of the assignment, you will discuss the causes of rude behavior, the effects of rude behavior, and provide one solution that alleviates or eliminates rudeness in society; this is your thesis and the focus of the body paragraphs. No matter how many paragraphs are included in your introduction, be sure to state your thesis as the last sentence in the introduction (see formal writing format on the next page). Requirements: Times New Roman, 12-point font. Use at least 5 articles from Alabama Virtual Library databases (only), document correctly.