write an argumentative/evaluative essay addressing Stephen Law’s “The evil-god challenge” (see forthcoming attachment). Is Law’s argument a good one? If so, why; if not, why not? You must explain the argument before evaluating it (i.e., don’t take for granted that your reader is familiar with the argument). You must also compare/contrast Law’s argument with Rowe’s discussion of the argument from evil. For this latter requirement you MUST refer to (at least) our course materials: extra sources on the argument from evil are only permitted in addition to, not in place of, references to the specific sources of our Course Package. Drawing in other material from the course is also welcome but not required.
Each essay must contain at least three quotations: at least two from Law’s essay, at least one from Rowe’s discussion of the argument from evil (see above). Your page references for these quotations will be double-checked (please use the original page numbers, not the page numbering of the Course Package or the .pdf). Any of failing to provide the minimum number of quotations, or failing to provide page numbers for all of your quotations, or failing to provide the correct page numbers for all of your quotations, will be grounds for a grade penalty up to and including a mark of zero on the essay.