350-500 words each question. Cite every source that you quote or paraphrase using: for texts, (author and year of publication, #) and for internet sources, (author or organization, date accessed). Do not use Wikipedia 1.Describe the backgrounds and experience of the major candidates for office in your assigned election. Explain how each candidate has used their backgrounds and experience to demonstrate they are qualified for the office the seek? 2.How has each candidate used the media to express their positions and to publicize their candidacies? Include print, tv,social media. 3. How much money did each candidate raise and spend while running for office?How did the candidate raise money and from whom? 4.What role did endorsements play in this election? Did the candidates have the support ? 5.What was the result of your assigned election? Who won?What was the margin? Did the margin differ from expectations ?How would you use the information you found to explain the outcome?