Explore the controversy over the authorship of Shakespeare's works.

This paper should be at least 1200 hundred words and should cite at least eight sources besides the works assigned in our weekly readings. (For example, if you write on “King Lear,” the play itself does not count as one of the eight sources, but it should be listed on your Works Cited page. Although Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and dictionaries are good research tools, they do not count as sources.)

Format notes from instructor
Here are some important notes on the format for this paper:
All citations should be in MLA format.
The title of your paper should be in the form of a question. Example: “How does Alan Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ Complement the Protest Music of Buffy Ste. Marie?”

The paper should be divided into at least six sections:

1) An introduction. The last paragraph of this section should end with your thesis statement, which answers your title question.

2-4) Three sub-questions. Examples: “What Is the Message of ‘Howl’?” “How Was the Poem Received in Its Own Time?” “What Are Some Important Thematic and Stylistic Features Common to ‘Howl’ and ‘Now That the Buffalo’s Gone’?” (Note: You may have more than three sub-questions if you wish.)

5) A conclusion.

6) Works Cited. Be sure that every work cited in the body of the paper is listed here, and be sure that every work listed here is actually cited at least once in the body of the paper.