Classroom Observation/Analysis
Subject: Asian Language Pedagogy Observe 1-2 hours of a second/foreign
language class and take ethnographic notes. Select one or two aspects of
the class to analyze (e.g., instructional methodology, motivation,
interaction, etc.) as discussed in Brown and class lectures. My observed
class is “Elementary Modern Chinese” by Liangcheng which is in UCLA.
There are two main aspects I want to analyze in essay, one is ”
professor plays video or teaches new vocabulary, then let students
practice dialogue that is based on video. The other one is ” only
Chinese teaching in the class, there is no other language in the class
but students’ questions to professor. Professor always keeps asking
students to have a dialogue. I will upload sample paper to you, it is
just for you to know how to write this paper, do not copy any sentences
from it. I will upload the reading response of the book”teaching by
principles”. You can use some teaching principles to help you write this
paper. I will also send you updated information, just tell me if you
have any questions about paper requirements