[1 pg.] You are hired as a sustainability coordinator for you Sustainability in Organizations Project choice. What would you suggest they undertake as the first companywide initiative? How would you decide?
[1 pg.] Go to the United Students Against Sweatshops website by clicking the link http://usas.org (Links to an external site.). Review their %u0432%u0402%u045AAbout%u0432%u0402%u045C page and briefly describe their mission. Select one of their %u0432%u0402Campaigns%u0432%u0402%u2122 and briefly describe how it not only fits with social justice, but also aspects of social sustainability discussed in class/readings. Why (or why not) could you see yourself participating in such a campaign?
[.5 pg.] An elevator speech is a concise summary that can be conveyed within the span of a 30-second elevator trip. If a neighbor learned you were studying social sustainability and asked, %u0432%u0402%u045ASo, what is social sustainability?%u0432%u0402%u045C What would you say? Why is it important? Write an %u0432%u0402elevator speech%u0432%u0402%u2122 to explain the basic concepts of social sustainability. [google elevator speech criteria for some ideas] This speech needs to be clear, concise, and compelling.