1. Describe the main features of rational organisation and explain how one particular technique of rationalisation helps to increase efficiency and control in organisations (approx. 300 words)
Here you need to describe the main features of early rational organisation as developed around the Industrial Revolution. You should give a brief overview of rational organisational design (bureaucracy) rational work design (Taylorism and Fordism) and then concentrate on an aspect within one of these to explain how they increase efficiency and control (for example Taylorism or organisational structure). In order to make a coherently structured final essay, the area that you choose to focus on here should be the area that you apply to Junction Hotel later on – don’t write about Taylorism here then apply bureaucracy to the case study, make sure that they link up.
NB: A good essay structure will discuss these early forms of rationalisation before going on to discuss McDonaldisation and other examples of contemporary rationalisation, so avoid talking about these until the next section
2. Explain how rationalisation is found in contemporary organisations (approx. 300 words)