Literary Theory Research Paper-Those Winter Sundays

Literary Theory Research Paper English 1B In a well-organized, well-developed research paper (8-10 pages), choose a literary theory as your lens to interpret and analyze what you think the meaning/message/point is of any of the short stories or poems we’ve read this semester. Your options are: “The Scarlatti Tilt” “The Story of an Hour” “A Rose for Emily” “Battle Royal” “Sonny’s Blues” “Love in L.A.” “Sonnet 18” “Sonnet 116” “On My First Son” “She Walks in Beauty” “Winter Sundays” “The Girl Who Loved the Sky” “love poem” “Love Poem” City of Glass Choose only one text and only one literary theory to successfully complete this assignment. Use your notes from discussions and your research project to prove how the theory lends itself to reading and interpreting one of the above texts’ major literary themes. Criteria for Success Your essay should have the following: Clear, arguable thesis statement that makes clear on which theory and which text your paper will focus. Well-developed