The chosen topic is “How exchange rates and Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002 impacts bank’s profitability in the US.” This is also the research question. Please read the PowerPoint first to have a general understanding of the requirement, Please raed and follow “ Final Research Paper Grading Rubric” . To understand more what is needed in the findings and discussion you find it in attachment “Findings detailed”
1) For what is required in the Proposal will be found in the attachment “Proposal rubric”
2 CLO’s (Course Outline Outcome) below from semester 7 and 8 should be mentioned in the Proposal are
Clo 1- Analyze the environment of the retail banking and finance industry.
Clo 2- Explain the operation of foreign exchange markets and the forces driving foreign exchange rate changes. Just add them in the proposal .
2) For the Literature Review Please find the requirements in “Literature Review Rubric “
10 references should be used at minimum 3 journals.
3) Data should be quantitative and secondary.
((Very Important)) for the methodology and data analysis there should be dependent and independent variables and define the module used. Create a variable called policy regulation, measured as follows: The number of years since the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002 was signed into law till date. The model will become: ((Bank’s Profitability = a0 + a1 Exchange rate + a2 Regulation + E )) where E is an error term. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation matrix is required.
4) Under the discussion of findings have a Regression Result Table that has coefficient and P- value R2 F- stat etc…
Note: *,** and *** indicate the variable is statistically significant at 1% 5%, and 10% levels respectively.
There should be Headings: Proposal, Literature Review, Methodology, Data Analysis, Findings, Discussions, Recommendations Conclusion and Abstract.