Reverberations – The Columbian Exchange

Assignment Requirements


Please refer to the textbook in
I will attach the directions for the ESSAY



Examination Format

2-A thematic essay based on issues and questions related to the Columbian Exchange in the “Reverberations” sections of chapters 19-23); this essay is worth up to 60 points. The “Reverberations” sections are located on pages 364-365, 382, 394; 417, and 435.


Due Date and Submission Requirements

Both examination essays are due by Monday, June 9 at 11:59 pm. Students are allowed to send early drafts of the essays to receive my feedback and suggestions for revisions.

The examination essays should be submitted as one Word document to my email address: [email protected]


Examination Directions

Essay Two

Read the historical information and issues highlighted in each “Reverberations” section on the Columbian Exchange for chapters 19-23. In your essay, develop historical arguments related to the following: Consider the ways that the exchange of items as seemingly mundane as new food crops can help shape historical developments over the long term, in both positive and negative ways” (page 382); “In what ways was the massive death toll among indigenous Americans related to the Atlantic slave trade?” (page 417); and “consider the ways that events and processes that occurred in the Americas played an important, but unforeseen, role in shaping historical developments in east Asia” (page 435).

*For each of these issues, use supporting evidence from your textbook. Provide multiple examples to support each of your historical arguments. Use precise historical information related to dates, peoples, and places throughout your essay. In other words, situate and frame your historical arguments in clear, informative historical contexts.*

**Remember that historical arguments must always address one of the following: major causes of a historical event or development; major effects of a historical event or development; the relationship of a historical event or development to a chronology of a pattern of historical continuity in a series of related events/developments; the role of a historical event or development as part of a pattern of change in a chronological series of related events. Clearly, careful historical critical thinkers will also look for the causes and effects of the historical continuities and changes.**


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