investing in a private residence

Select one of the two following topics:
1. Investing in mutual funds: Select one mutual fund from each of three different firms. Acquire information about the funds, their policies, their costs, etc. Track and graph the value(s) of the funds for 6 months, i.e. from 02/01/2016 through 07/28/2016. Determine your before-tax rate of return on each of the funds (including your costs of investment). Assess the relative performance of each of the funds.
2. Investing in a private residence: Select a private residence currently on the market. Acquire
information, estimate costs, and generate a cash flow associated with investing in the residence.
Based on your results, determine the after-tax income that you will need in order to afford the
residence. Note that being qualified for a mortgage does not necessarily mean that one can
actually “afford” the residence.

Note: There are a number of sites on the internet from which information and guidance can be
acquired regarding both of these topics. Make sure to quote your references! If not done so points will be deducted. The Oviatt Library has assistance in how to reference your material at . MLA or APA style can be used as long as your research material is properly referenced.

The complete Project Write-Up Report should include:

Abstract (one paragraph)
Description of Purpose (maximum one paragraph)
Statement of Process (maximum one page)
Presentation and Discussion of Results (maximum four pages)
Appendixes (Any supporting documentation, including references)

The report must be typed, double-spaced, using an easily-read font with standard margins, on
8-1/2″x11″ paper. It is expected that proper English grammar, spelling and sentence structure
will be used. If a hard copy is requested by the instructor than the report should be stapled in the upper-left-hand corner and no covers or bindings should be used. Spreadsheets should be used for data analysis, and graphical representations must be computer-generated. It is a fundamental principle of academic integrity that the authorship of the intellectual content of work that is submitted as part of a class assignment must be fairly represented. Contributions of language and thought must be appropriately credited.

Submissions that do not conform to the above format will not be accepted.