Application logs

Class: Communication Theory SPC 3210

Book: Turner, Lynne H, Richard West. (2014). Introducing Communication Theory- Analysis and Application. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 978-0- 07-353428-2
(I have an e-Text if you need it)

I need a total of 12 logs.

Application Log: After you read a chapter describing a communication theory, you are required to make a specific application of the theory to your own life and experience. Write 1-2 paragraphs about it, and post this as a journal entry to the Blackboard. Think of this assignment as a way to find practical value of each theory. What framework does the theory provide to help you understand your or other people%u0432%u0402%u2122s communication practices? What prediction does it make for the future? How can you use this theory and the conceptual tools that it offers? Can it help you to improve or advance your personal life, your relationships, your professional or educational experience, your role in the local or global society? Make sure you post your journal entry before the class where we will be discussing the theory in question. All the late or missing entries will have an effect on your final grade. At the beginning of each class three people will be selected to present their example of a theory application.

1. WEEK 3: Symbolic Interactionism and CMM

2. Read Chapter 6 and 7
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on Cognitive Dissonance
Theory and EVT

3.%u043F%u201A· Read Chapter 8 and 9
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on URT and SET

%u043F%u201A·4. Read Chapter 10 and 11
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on SPT and relational

5.%u043F%u201A· Read Chapter 12 and 13
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on Communication Privacy
Management and Social Information Processing

6.%u043F%u201A· Read Chapter 14 and 15
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on groupthink and

7.%u043F%u201A· Read Chapter 16 and 17
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry on organizational culture
and information

8. Read Chapter 18, 19, and 20
%u043F%u201A· Post your blog entry rhetoric, dramatism, and
narrative paradigm

9. WEEK 12: Uses & Gratifications and Cultivation Theory %u0432%u0402%u0401%u0432%u0402%u0401
10 WEEK 13: Cultural Studies and Media Ecology Theory %u0432%u0402%u0401
11. WEEK 14: Communication Accommodation Theory and Face – Negotiation Theory %u0432%u0402%u0401
12. WEEK 15:Muted Group Theory and Feminist Standpoint Theory